IEEE Computational Intelligence Society (CIS) is pleased to offer Participation grants to the IEEE CIS members who are interested to present at IEEE DSAA 2022:
- IEEE CIS Student Participation Grant: This program offers a limited number of grants to IEEE-CIS Student Members to present their papers at IEEE CIS conferences.
- IEEE CIS Conference Participation Grant for Researchers from Developing Countries: This program offers a limited number of grants to assist IEEE-CIS Members of any grade higher than Student to present papers at IEEE CIS conferences.
- IEEE CIS Industry Early Career Participation Grant: This program offers a limited number of grants to assist IEEE-CIS Members working in industry, who are within 2 years of their graduation, to present papers at IEEE CIS conferences.
The participation grant will cover the full registration fee for the successful applicants. It will be disseminated through a digital re-imbursement after the conference participation.
For full instruction on how to apply, please click IEEE CIS Conference Participation and Travel Grants:
Please apply by the deadline of 23 September 2022.
How to become an IEEE CIS member?
- Become an IEEE member – full details are
- Become an IEEE CIS member – full details are